6-12 Months

This is a time of major changes in baby’s eating habits and needs. A time to discover complementary foods and become more independent. It’s when babies first begin to experiment with food: handling and smelling it, exploring different textures in their mouths, and so much more!

Hand-in-hand with baby in the kitchen / Baby and I on the way to eating well

Baby is now eating solid foods! It’s time to start preparing healthy foods adapted to his changing needs as he explores new textures. Nothing is better – and economical! – than home-made food.


cooking tips

  1. I maintain my good weekly meal planning routine.
  2. I prepare and puree baby food without adding any salt, sugar or seasonings.
  3. I prepare and puree large batches of baby food (enough for up to a month, but not more to avoid waste), and I transfer the puree into ice cube trays and freeze.
  4. I adapt food textures to my baby’s changing needs (smooth, granular or soft pieces).
  5. I plan family meals that include foods that are easy to puree into a texture adapted to my baby’s needs and I introduce new foods gradually.

positive effects

  1. I’m more relaxed, now that I’ve planned meals for the week.
  2. I save money and waste less by preparing and pureeing homemade baby food.
  3. I take care of my baby’s health by not adding any salt, sugar or seasonings to his food.
  4. I help prevent choking by adapting food textures to my baby’s needs.
  5. I help baby transition to the family’s regular diet.

The key to success

By preparing homemade foods for your baby, you are offering him a valuable gift: the opportunity to explore unprocessed foods he’ll appreciate throughout his life. Yes! Children can actually like vegetables! What we feed them today will influence their taste buds for their entire lives.

I help my baby discover new foods

Baby is quite curious! As your baby integrates complementary foods into her diet, she discovers new flavours and textures. She even develops her own favourite foods and learns to listen to her hunger and fullness signals.


tips for eating well

  1. I continue to breastfeed as long as both baby and I wish to do so.
  2. I prepare foods and purees adapted to my baby’s changing needs.
  3. I gradually introduce new foods such as iron-rich foods, without adding any salt, sugar or seasonings.
  4. I let my baby decide how much to eat and don’t pressure her to eat more.
  5. I continue to eat at set times and plan my meals around a healthy plate.



positive effects

  1. I foster my baby’s growth, development and health.
  2. I save money and time: breastfeeding is economical and practical.
  3. I help prevent choking.
  4. My baby discovers new flavours and textures, and develops her own food preferences.
  5. My baby begins to be more independent when it comes to food and learns to listen to her hunger and fullness

The key to success

This period has its ups and downs. The floor, high chair, hair and even the walls will be splattered with baby food! Just keep on smiling and enjoy each discovery of a new flavour! Because from now on, your baby will be discovering tastes, textures, colours, and smells more than ever. It can be a fun-filled experience for parents too!

Baby joins the family at the dinner table

It’s time for baby to eat with the rest of the family! He’s ready to take his rightful place at the dinner table and gradually eat at the same time as everyone else. He needs a regular family mealtime routine that is reassuring and provides structure and a pleasant environment.



family mealtime tips

  1. I make room for my baby at the dinner table.
  2. I maintain my good and reassuring mealtime routine by eating at set times in an appropriate place.
  3. I am responsible for choosing healthy foods for our meals, but I let my baby decide how much to eat and don’t pressure him to eat more; he’s in the best position to know when he’s full.
  4. I eliminate any distractions and turn the television off so that everyone at the table, baby included, can better recognize their  hunger and fullness signals.
  5. I talk to and interact with my baby during mealtimes and involve him in the positive discussions we have during meals.

positive effects

  1. Eating together as a family fosters close family bonds.
  2. The family mealtime routine contributes to my baby’s sense of security.
  3. My baby develops healthy eating habits.
  4. My baby learns to listen to his fullness signals because he can focus during mealtime.
  5. I’m a positive role model for my baby thanks to the pleasant mealtime environment I’ve established.

The key for success

There is no doubt that introducing your baby to the family dinner table requires some adjustments and can result in shorter, sometimes messy meals. But these short-term inconveniences are outweighed by the long-term benefits. You are your child’s best role model. As he watches you enjoy your meal, he learns good habits that will last a lifetime.