Support for practitioners

There are over 450 Olo practitioners working across Quebec to help families develop healthy eating habits. Most of these workers are women, and most are nutritionists, nurses or social workers.

Thanks to these practitioners, thousands of Olo follow-ups are done every year, either in homes or at some 150 points of service (CLSCs and other community organizations).

Fondation Olo gives these practitioners the tools they need to support families:

Online training

Fondation OLO | Intervenantes | Formations en ligne

The online training program helps practitioners familiarize themselves with the Olo support approach. They can then draw on it during their interactions with parents, so that, down the line, little ones can learn healthy eating habits.

The program includes five interactive training modules, each lasting one hour. To date, some 1000 people have already registered for this program, which is recognized by the regulatory associations of four Quebec professions:

  • Dieticians (Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec—OPDQ)
  • Nurses (Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec—OIIQ)
  • Social workers and couple and family therapists (Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec—OTSTCFQ)
  • Psychoeducators (Ordre des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec—OPPQ)


A virtual Community of PracticeFondation OLO | Communauté de pratique OLO

More than 250 practitioner members participate in the Community of Practice, which is moderated by our nutritionists. It gives practitioners a way to discuss their work and develop their Olo intervention skills. A monthly newsletter also keeps them up-to-date with the latest information.

The ongoing and two-way discussions that occur in the Community foster more and better linkages among practitioners, and between the practitioners and Fondation Olo. They also keep Olo apprised of the needs on the ground.

Once a year, practitioners get together for the Annual Meeting of Community of Practice Members.



Webinars are occasionally offered online to practitioners to provide information on various subjects relating to nutrition during pregnancy (ex. allergies, eating vegetarian, Ramadan, etc.). The webinars are given by Fondation Olo nutritionists or by resource persons from partner organizations.


Information dissemination through the CISSS and CIUSSS network

Within these establishments, champions, decision-makers, allies and connectors are designated to ensure that information is spread to the teams on the ground.


Reference materials and tools

Practitioners have access to reference materials, helpful worksheets for follow-up care, reference frameworks and a quick reference tool. Also available are a range of tools developed by our specialists for use with the Olo approach: a balanced plate guide, a menu planner for families, an Olo food chart, and more.

Fondation OLO | Intervenantes | Documents de référence