
Pregnancy is the beginning of a great adventure. It’s also an important transition period and a time to reflect. A few simple adjustments can go a long way to help improve your eating habits to address not only your baby’s needs, but also your own. It’s a time to take good care of your health and prepare for the little one’s arrival.

I get myself organized and I experiment

Baby is on the way! Pregnancy is the ideal time to get your household organized and to experiment in the kitchen. Gradually improving your cooking skills now will make planning and cooking meals that much easier once the little one arrives. Just take it one step at a time!


cooking tips

  1. I write down what food I already have at home and plan meals for the week.
  2. I prepare a grocery list based on the meals I want to make this week and weekly specials at my local grocery store.
  3. I cook with a group of friends or as part of a collective kitchen.
  4. I vary my menu by trying new food or a new recipe.
  5. I make the most of available foods by using the same ingredients in different recipes.

positive effects

  1. I’m less stressed because I’ve planned my meals for the week.
  2. I save money and waste less food by planning ahead.
  3. I gradually improve my cooking skills and learn to enjoy preparing meals.
  4. I develop good habits now so I’m better prepared when the baby comes.
  5.  I take care of my health and my baby’s health.

The key to success

The key to success: Take your time, give yourself a chance, and learn new skills at your own pace. You’ll find it that much easier to stick to your new good habits. And above all, prepare things you enjoy eating.




I eat to nourish my baby

Congratulations! Reading this website is one more step toward fostering your baby’s health. During pregnancy, everything a future mom eats influences her baby’s development! It’s a good time to adopt healthy eating habits. But life isn’t perfect and sometimes eating the right foods can be a challenge. Willpower can only go so far when our busy lives make it hard to stick to a healthy diet. Fortunately, there are tips to help you. You will then just need to decide which ones work for you to ensure that you and your baby are as healthy as possible.


healthy eating tips

  1. I adopt a varied and colourful diet by eating vegetables of all colours. Why not take the opportunity to discover and prepare local, inexpensive and nutritious vegetables that are available year round: Three cheers for our rutabagas, beets and cabbage!
  2. I opt for a balanced plate as often as possible, and when necessary, I complete my meals with vegetables, bread, nuts or a piece of cheese. If I eat a ready-to-eat meal, I round it out with some vegetables, for example.
  3. I replace foods that should be avoided during pregnancy (in French) with other foods I enjoy.
  4. I eat three small meals a day and keep snacks at hand for when I am hungry between meals.
  5. To help prepare for baby’s arrival, I explore various breastfeeding resources and discuss the question of nursing with a friend, family member or health professional.

positive effects

  1. I’m healthier and so is my baby.
  2. My varied diet is helping my baby explore new tastes because she can perceive certain flavours even before she is born.
  3. My balanced diet fosters my baby’s growth and optimal development.
  4. I have more energy and feel less discomfort such as fatigue, nausea, vomiting or heartburn.
  5. I feel reassured and better prepared and informed about nursing.



The key to success

The important thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to incorporate these tips all at once. Simply take things at your own pace. Every small victory is worth celebrating and you should remind yourself that it’s well worth the effort. For your health as well as the health of your baby and your family!


I establish a mealtime routine

Baby is all cozy and snug in mommy’s belly! Even if the little one is months away from being in your arms or even sitting next to you at the dinner table, it’s never too early to establish a healthy mealtime routine. As they say, time flies! So why not begin today and be ready when she arrives?


family mealtime tips

  1. I choose an appropriate place for my family to sit down to a meal.
  2. I practise my mealtime routine by always eating in the place I’ve chosen for meals, and by eating according to the regular schedule I’ve established.
  3. I try to encourage positive discussions at mealtimes. For example, I can ask questions like “How was your day?” or “How do you like the meal?”.
  4. I make sure the TV is turned off and replace it with discussions or quiet music. I can always record my television shows and watch them later.
  5. Depending on what is possible for me, I set aside 15 to 30 minutes exclusively to a family meal.



positive effects

  1. I adopt healthy eating habits and I can better recognize my hunger and fullness signals.
  2. I feel better prepared for my baby’s arrival because I have already established a mealtime routine.
  3. Family mealtime is becoming an important value to me that I would like to pass on to my baby.
  4. The atmosphere is positive and I enjoy eating more than ever.
  5. I can already imagine my baby at the table and imagine mealtimes with her.

The key for success

Why is the mealtime environment so important? Because a healthy mealtime routine is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. By applying these simple tips, your family meal will help improve your child’s health, language skills and even her self-esteem.

Keep in mind that establishing a routine which allows you to spend more quality time with your family is what truly counts!