Our positions

Fondation Olo is proud to share its position on subjects that are at the core of its mission to ensure consistency in its own messages and alignment with those of its partners and collaborators.



Vision of healthy eating

Healthy eating means enjoying a variety of quality foods by taking the time to prepare, eat and share meals. It involves the food we eat and also eating behaviours.

This vision is based on 2 certainties:

  • Healthy eating early on in life, including through breastfeeding, promotes equal chances in terms of health.
  • Healthy eating is a major challenge for families with food insecurity, which is why the support provided by Olo is so important.

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Énoncé de position : pour des pratiques optimales d’allaitement et d’alimentation du nouveau-né et du nourrisson

Fondation Olo recognizes the importance of breastfeeding and includes it in its vision of healthy eating. Olo agrees with the following guidelines:

  • Exclusive breastfeeding provides the optimal nutrition for newborns and infants during their first 6 months of life.
  • Food is introduced around the age of 6 months, while breastfeeding continues until age 2, or longer, in line with the desires of the mother and child.

Olo also acknowledges that some women do not breastfeed or have different breastfeeding paths. Regardless of their realities and decisions, parents and families must receive judgment-free support and education so they can appropriately feed their babies.

Fondation Olo is committed to promoting support and guidance for all women in their child-feeding decisions and path.

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