In community-based organizations

Fondation Olo and community-based organizations: working together to build healthy family eating habits!

Community-based organizations work closely with families and have trusting relationships with them. For this reason, they are in an ideal position to help parents and children acquire better eating habits, one step at a time.

We offer community-based organizations resources and tools to enhance their knowledge and healthy eating activities, helping them encourage little ones and their families to eat well, cook and share meals as a family. 

These partnerships also create a network of professionals, care providers and community workers who share common goals, while supporting efforts to align healthy eating (or food security) actions with those of partners, particularly the health and social services network.


Who can collaborate with Olo?

All Quebec organizations working with families:

  • Maisons de la Famille
  • Perinatal resource centres
  • Collective kitchens
  • Birthing centres
  • Educational childcare services and stop over centres
  • Breastfeeding organizations
  • Community centres and libraries
  • Food banks
  • Other organizations with healthy eating programs designed for families and children in their first 1,000 days (i.e., from pregnancy to age 2)


How we can work together?




Want to learn more about good nutrition and the importance of acting early to support healthy eating habits? Want to try out our educational tools? Become an Explorer and get on the path to discovery!


How to get involved?

  • Order a Discovery Kit (in French only) and explore the educational tools you can use in your activities with families. 




Want to do more nutrition-related activities with families? Want support to carry them out, while also furthering your knowledge? Become an Ally and get involved in the cause!

How to get involved

  • Register for our Community hub to access turnkey activity sheets and additional tools, knowledge development resources (videos, webinars, etc.) and occasional help from an Olo nutritionist. 
  • Check out our Connectors Directory (in French only) to find out what resources are available in your area.



Want to work hand in hand with your community to offer families a healthy eating continuum of services? Perhaps you would also like to inspire other communities to act? Become a Leader community!


How to get involved

  • Launch or contribute to networking and knowledge-sharing activities in your region to help other organizations discover our educational component.
  • Collaborate with Fondation Olo and the health and social services network to create an offering tailored to your community or region and break the barriers to healthy eating for families.



If you have any questions about what Olo can offer community-based organizations, contact us.

Beatriz Rivera Oropeza
Administrative Management Coordinator
514-849-3656, extension 207