
Healthy Babies

Why support Fondation Olo?

“I support this cause because I am a mother and a grandmother. Your heart melts when you hold your grandchild, but then you realize that not all babies are so fortunate.”

Would you like to receive Olo follow-up care?

The Olo support is available to eligible pregnant women through Quebec CLSCs and some community organizations.

Are you an interested community organization?

Fondation Olo offers resources and tools that can enhance your activities in promoting healthy eating during pregnancy and baby’s first years of life. Order our Discovery Kit now!

Cadolo: A baby gift that helps other babies!

Offer this gift box to an expectant parent you know. Parents and baby will appreciate it! For each box sold at a price of $75, an amount of $20 is donated to Fondation Olo.

Olo Blog

Recipes and tips to help you and your family eat well, cook healthy meals and enjoy mealtime together as a family.
The Olo Blog – a parent’s greatest ally, every day of the week!

A warm thanks to our partners!

Major Partners

Fondation Olo | Complice | Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon
Fondation Olo | Partenaires | Bonichoix
Fondation Olo | Partenaires | Les Marchés Tradition

Major Collaborators



Fondation Olo | Partenaire | Banque Nationale



Fondation Chamandy

Power Corporation du Canada




Boulangerie St-Méthode